Copyright © "Six Meter International Radio Klub" · All Rights reserved
This page is dedicated to the six meter amateur radio enthusiast. Here you will find information concerning the Six Meter International Radio Klub, the SMIRK contest and much more. We hope you return many times.
SMIRK has members in 100 countries on all continents, an international organization. We are devoted to promoting six meter activity throughout the world. You help us by joining and promoting SMIRK over the air and in person with other hams.

SMIRK is Now Under New Managment
The Sun City Amateur Club K5WPH in El Paso is now the managing partner for SMIRK.
More info on this change coming soon.
Please send membership and donation correspondence to:
Sun City ARC K5WPH
3709 Wickham Ave.
El Paso, TX 79904
Please make your application Fee ($6.00) in check or money order made out to SMIRK.
Of course, include you name, address, call and the list of six SMIRK members you have worked on six meters.
Although it's not necessary to pay annual dues, contributions are always welcome.
The SMIRK Board voted some years ago to do away with annual dues and make the $6.00 application fee a Life Membership.
Six Meter International Radio Klub...
You can join the nearly the 7000 SMIRK members by working six Klub members on six meters and submitting a list of their calls, and SMIRK numbers, along with US $6 to the address on the "How To Join SMIRK" page.
Once you are a member, you are always a member. So, if you are not now a member, please consider joining. Though you do NOT need to pay dues each year to maintain your membership, SMIRK DOES welcome donations from its members. Many make such donations annually. So, PLEASE consider donating. It will help in our continuing efforts to promote six meter operation throughout the world and in our funding of DXpeditions emphasizing six meter operation.