The 2023 Six Meter International Radio Klub (SMIRK) Contest information is as follows:
The Six Meter International Radio Klub (SMIRK) will hold its annual contest beginning at 0000 UTC Saturday June 17, 2023 through 2359 UTC Sunday June 18, 2023.
All contacts must be made on the 50MHz (6 meter) band.
Any properly licensed amateur radio operator worldwide may participate in this contest.
Exchange is Grid Square and SMIRK Number for operators who hold SMIRK membership. For non-SMIRK members, Grid Square only is required.
Scoring is one point for contacts with stations not having a SMIRK number and two points for stations having a SMIRK number.
Current 2023 rules: Contacts may be made on CW, phone and digital.
A station may be worked once on phone, once on CW and once on digital - one point each if contact is with a non-SMIRK member,
- two points each if contact is with a SMIRK member. Multipliers count only once.
The number of different Grid Squares is used as a multiplier in calculating the final score.
Note: A fully completed Summary Sheet must accompany all logs!
Both the Summary Sheet and Log Sheets are available on this site.
Logs should be sent to:
---- OR ---
Sun City ARC K5WPH
3709 Wickham Ave.
El Paso, TX 79904, USA.
All logs must be received no later than July 17, 2023.
Please remember…No Summary Sheet is cause for disqualification!!
Certificates will be issued to the three highest scoring participants submitting valid logs, in each DXCC entity.
If different from the above, a certificate will also be awarded to the highest scoring SMIRK member from each DXCC entity from which valid logs are received.
To be valid, logs must include the above location information.
For the purpose of this contest, a SMIRK member is anyone who has ever been issued a SMIRK number.
All 6 meter operators are encouraged to join SMIRK.
All you have to do is work six SMIRK members on six meters, submit their calls and SMIRK numbers (no qsl's required) and mail,
along with $6 (US) check or money order made out to SMIRK:
Sun City ARC K5WPH
3709 Wickham Ave.
El Paso, TX 79904 USA
Please include your name, address, grid locator, and email address.
You will soon receive, by return mail, a certificate bearing your SMIRK number.
This will make you a Life Member of the Six Meter International Radio Klub (SMIRK)
the largest and oldest Six Meter activity promotion organization in the World.
SMIRK recognizes the value and utility of the DX Window from 50.100 to 50.125.
Therefore, NO use should be made of frequencies in that range by SMIRK contest participants in the continental US
(Call Areas 1 thru 0) or lower tier Canadian call areas, except when working or calling foreign stations outside of these areas.
KH6, KL7, VE8 and VO, for example, count as foreign, for this purpose.
So, contacts with these and similar areas MAY be worked in the DX Window and counted for SMIRK Contest points.
With regard to the 50.125 MHz calling frequency, unfortunately it is abused all too frequently by too many six meter operators.
While there is no SMIRK Contest rule prohibiting the use of 125, it is asked that it be used intelligently,
giving others a chance to use it as well.
If there are stations on it already, move up the band to call CQ.
Of course, on any frequency, you should ask first if the frequency is occupied before calling.
If you don't hear anyone on 125, use it to attract attention.
This is especially beneficial if the band does not appear to open.
But, if you begin to make contacts on the calling frequency, don't hog it.
After the second or third Q, announce that you are QSYing up to
Most of the stations waiting to work you will follow you up to the new frequency.
The higher power stations with larger antennas have less need to use 125 to attract attention,
and can often generate pile-ups quite a way up in the band.
SMIRK members as well as non-SMIRK members are invited to take part in this fun contest. Why not give it a try?
SMIRK is the premier organization for 6 Meter operators having nearly 7000 members worldwide.